Retry Mechanism

There are different reasons for a failure of a connection, depends on network, internet speed, timeout, 3rd system problem....

So the failure maybe just temporary in short time, if we retry to connect again it may success.

Most of reason of have retry mechanism that 3rd party system can't manage well number of connection from outside, it causes timeout, mainly for in-house or on-premise system. Cloud system manages this situation better.

So AllSync introduce Retry Mechanism to automatic retry sending data to 3rd party systems.

There are 2 new options on application:

- Auto Retry: system will re-process failed queue, but only for the queues created on current date, system won't re-process past failed queue, because it may huge and never success

- Immediate Retry Times: while processing a queue (either it is outgoing queue or incoming queue), if 3rd party system responses FAILED, instead of updating queue status to FAILED and process to next queue, system will re-process and loop x times from configuration, after x times, still failed, then update queue status to FAILED.

Retry Mechanism flow:

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