
Connect to SAP by custom web service

We build a custom web service running on IIS to connect with SAP.

It is required one SAP user licensed.

Login by user/pass from UDT

The login credential is from User Defined Table, sharing one SAP user License for Web Service

Support from Android 5 and above

Auto Recovery

Every change will be saved on local device temporary, if device/app is crashed or force closed by any reason, when app is launched again, the data will be automatic recovered from local device.

Support Camera scan

In case device supports camera, can open camera and scan barcode

Multiple Barcodes

When scanning a barcode, system will look up in SAP database the main barcode field, alternative barcode, item code and description

Support multi UOM

User can change UOM on screen

Support Bin Location

User can select BIN on screen

Support Serial/Batch Item

if item is enable batch or serial, it is required to input/select batch/serial

Support Draft Mode by User

if Draft Mode is enable for a user, transaction will be posted to SAP under draft document

User Authozation

Limit user access to certain function

Support copy from Based Document

Default warehouse by user

if a warehouse is assigned to user, user just only work on this warehouse, not able to change warehouse

Support SAP SQL and SAP Hana

Sales - AR

  • Delivery
  • Return

Purchase - AP

  • GRPO
  • Goods Return


  • Goods Receipt
  • Goods Issue
  • Transfer Request
  • Transfer
  • Pick List
  • Stock Count


  • Receipt from Production
  • Issue For Production
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